Hindi Names Liquorice: Mulathi Anise: Choti saunf/Sounf benefiting volatile essential oil compounds such as anethole, limonene, anisic aldehyde, pinene, myrcene, fenchone, chavicol, and cineole. These active principles in the fennel /Aniseed are known to have antioxidant, digestive, carminative, and anti-flatulent properties. Furthermore, the seeds indeed are the storehouse for many vital vitamins. Vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C as well as many B-complex vitamins like thiamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin and niacin particularly are concentrated in these seeds. Fennel seed decoction or added as spice in food has been found to increase breast milk secretion in nursing mothers.Fennel water often is used in newborn babies to relieve colic pain and help aid digestion. Fennel seed oil is used to relieve coughs, bronchitis and as massage oil to cure joint pains
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